Saturday, June 12, 2010

Affair with 13-year-old: man (38) in custody

Mönchengladbach - Because of a week-long affair with a 13-year-olds have a 38-year-old laborer for three Jahreund nine months in prison, the Landgericht Mönchengladbach verurteilteden on Monday accused of sexual abuse.
The man hattedie affair in the summer of 2008 admitted in court. The girl from a holiday camp in warzuvor Gerolstein in Eifelverschwunden.
In the process, both the 38-year-old had also declared a 14-year-old girl dasinzwischen, been their sexual contacts seienfreiwilliger nature. Both had met each other on MönchengladbacherHauptbahnhof.
Then the girl had lived for several weeks inthe house of the father's family eight times. You have a Kindvon he wanted, "said the former special school. The Mädchenbestätigte the information.
   Another charge against the 38-year-olds was eingestellt.Es was suspected that he had a friend KO Tropfenverabreicht, to make them unconscious.
Then the woman several times jedochgleich not appeared as a witness in the process saw dieRichter this regard from a conviction.
Also read: family man admits relationship with 13-year-old>

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Liv Tyler love: In Fitness Trainer

Los Angeles - Is Liv Tyler finally happy again? After separation from husband Royston Langdon does seem that the beautiful daughter of Aerosmith frontman Steven immortal love now, in their fitness trainer David Kirsch.
The two have been spotted, according to U.S. media reports, during a joint lunch in Westwood (U.S. state of New Jersey). Already at the dinner is to Liv and David angeflirtet shameless.
When leaving the restaurant they kissed fervently on the lips - everything looks so for somebody from ..