Monday, May 31, 2010

Craig MacDonald moves to the DEG Metro Stars

Düsseldorf - Düsseldorf's hockey team gets Verstärkung.Der Canadian striker Craig MacDonald has signed an annual contract.
The 32-year-old center has lots of experience. But in the last season he was 240 times used. Because he played for the Columbus Blue Jackets of the National Hockey League NHL.
The athletic director of the DEG Metro Stars was pleased with the new signing: "Craig MacDonald has much experience and is a hard worker. He will step up our storm safely," he said shortly after signing the contract.
Here more of the DEG Metro Star Korbinian Holzer changes the bib> prelude for DEG> New Keeper for DEG>

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Medic was vulgar impostor

Bonn - The station is about life and death. And yet, at the emergency center of University Hospital is a false paramedic had slipped.
For forgery of the 35-year-old waiter was now sitting on the Anklagebank.Schwerverletzte accident victims, resuscitation with the death of struggling people.
In the emergency center of University Hospital is sometimes by seconds. Precisely at this sensitive point in April 2008, has slipped a layman. Klaus F. worked as a paramedic four months on the station.
The false lifesaver now before the court: "I did not want to be unemployed. My role model was pulled from the mayor ter Landau, who had faked his doctorate. "From the Internet, F. forms and stamps. Then he forged four testimonies of the city of Stolberg.
At work, but it was not round. Klaus F.: "In the emergency center, I knew what to do with many things at all." And: "Thought it'll be all right, am with abdominal pain to work."
Soon fell to colleagues that F. has no idea. The giddiness was flying. The judge sentenced him to 800 € fine. F. will now be a theologian. Since he wanted the judge "not lay obstacles in the way."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Am Dom what must happen!

Mayor Jürgen Roters turned the year in the EXPRESS interview.
Roters about his priorities for the next few months, when he starts the morning and how long he sits each day in the city hall.
Also talks about Cologne's favorite subject: Carnival.
Here is the second part:
Next »
Your priorities for the coming months?
    Chief among these is to keep the jobs in Cologne stable.
2nd The relocation of the college in the south of Cologne.
3rd Construction of the Historical Archives.
4th The Domumgebung, particularly the redesign of the area Dionysoshof and Baptistery. Since you can piss yes staying less than ten minutes, because there always stinks, that is there.
5th The solution to the banks of the Rhine Street.
6th The project "Mülheim 2020.
7th The opening of the Archaeological Zone.
8th And above all stands the master plan, we must not lose sight of.
Did you ever succeed in the City Hall right?
    It falls short in implementing the second stimulus package, with coordination between school administration and building industry.
Since I already had to speak even a word of command. Some areas also lack the necessary proximity, the employees see the human being as annoying petitioners.
What is your working day?
    No later than 8:30 am I clock in City Hall. As I read the newspaper and the first phone calls long behind me.
Thus a normal working day often lasts up to ten, eleven clock in the evening.
Your wife Angela, you rarely see safe?
    I take time for rest, to freizukriegen head and think about certain things can be.
The family must not be forgotten, I respect that.
Keywords carnival: How many clubs did you rejected that?
    Of the 300 invitations to meetings or other events I have the most need to cancel.
I will carry a maximum of 40 of these invitations. Understanding the people das. We have to do too much to get out of the crisis.
Travel in Zoch with?
    I'll go with, and for ten years at the Cologne.
There is no reason to change that.
You have missed a part? No problem - just click here>
Also of Interest
Roters: That depends on Cologne

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bayer Bruno-plated his work

Leverkusen, Hamburg - Welcome to Absurdistan, the country with the Bundesliga totally crazy!
The main roles: a coach (13 league bankruptcies), the last was in Leverkusen rather Bruno, the problem bear, and now finds a new top club. A Bayer boss who denounces - particularly from negotiating for reasons - the manners in the league and at the end of a fat transfer cash for the coach is. And one club HSV, which, according to the shock at the "deserters" Martin Jol themselves contracts indifferent and expensive.
The Carry Labbadia tag. He started in the morning. The coach had that already provokes in the days before with a provocative interview with its leg of Bayer, flew to Hamburg and there should have immediately taken with HSV sport director Dietmar Beiersdorfer. Already transpired: At 14 Labbadia clock is presented as a new HSV coach.
But since Bayer boss Wolfgang wooden houses made initially did not cooperate. "As long as our coach Bruno Labbadia yet, he can not be with the HSV. We have not reached agreement. Labbadia has a contract with us, "he told the Express. And the moral decline criticized in the league, that contracts not be met. He was so far, they state in Labbadia to "an example". But that day never came. The HSV and Leverkusen have yet agreed on Friday.
Wooden houses probably wanted to build with his sharp words, only a threatening scenario. Because: Bayer Labbadia, who had missed all season goals, had previously had no future. In the team, he was down by in the sport management no later also least after the Cup final. And a reminder: Bayer had taken out before the season even Labbadia in Fürth from an existing contract - and this is not intended for a supply of Bayer pills.
Leverkusen wanted a transfer fee for Labbadia - and gilded be so Bruno's work. After EXPRESS information transfer of HSV Bayer € 1.2 million! Labbadia and receives a three-year contract in Hamburg. In the evening, sounded wooden houses then this: "We have after the last game very much talked with Bruno and analyzes the entire situation. All aspects were discussed in detail. We were finally called for a continuation of co-operation - but Bruno wanted a fresh start. After that decision, Heynckes was first choice for us. "

Friday, May 7, 2010

Refs want extra camera

Sinsheim - Jetzt ist Schluss mit lustig! The gate has her camera. The Tor-Klau Hoffenheim in the game against Bayern (1:1)> brought the camel's back.
Now even the refs call a camera in the gate.
In the 10th Josip Simunic Hoffenheims minutes jockeyed for guiding the ball over the goal line, the overworked referee Babak Rafati (Hanover) refused to recognize. Perfect was the gate scandal.
"We saw after the game that the ball was behind the line. Thus, we would have to decide on the gate, "said the referee who wishes to continue support.
"In such a case, we have referees to ensure that at least the hintertorkamera is introduced."
DFL CEO Christian Seifert would be this: "Technically, this is not a problem. The cameras are only as big as a fingernail. "However, the DFL's hands are tied. Seifert: "FIFA is, however, she wants to play consistently from the Kreisliga A to the Bundesliga."
How long is the FIFA can not stop progress?
The bosses of the league want the camera. "I am convinced that they will eventually come," said Hoffenheim coach Ralf Rangnick and then attacked the FIFA: "But the decision as to have an average age of 82.5 years ..."
"These are human errors. That's why I'm a total advocate of Torkamera, "said general manager Uli Hoeness. It also became clear Munich coach Louis van Gaal. "It is absolutely ridiculous that is not used in our modern age of technology."
DFB referee Lehrwart Eugen Striegel holds the chip in the ball for the best solution. "That was the wish of the DFB, because it would exclude the man as a source of error. But it has been decided otherwise. FIFA and UEFA will now test the Decider. "
Do we need a goal-camera? Here a voice!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The large suitcase Klau

Dusseldorf - Once, not paying attention - even the suitcase is gone! At the airport, drifting around in a year pickpocket gangs. Police are trying to tackle it, success is far more likely mau.
 So the dream vacation can become a nightmare: If it is stolen at the airport shortly before leaving the baggage - or the purse, including cash and travel documents.
After all, nearly 2,000 times what has happened in 2008. Klau is an absolute record. In comparison to 2007 had doubled the number of thefts smoothly.
Bad: Even in the first four months of this year, the figures remain almost in this appalling level. And place the peak period, in which the thieves most likely still to come.
"We are dealing with international organized gangs," said Norbert Topka, head of the North for the airport police station.
The perpetrators come from Eastern Europe, North Africa, even from Caracas (Venezuela). The gangsters know that the airport is known for its forays the ideal city: "There are many people in a small space, it is very fidgety," says Topka. Many travelers have some enormous amounts of cash there.
A businessman from the Middle East with his suitcase, for example, lost almost $ 100,000. Other travelers have gold bars or expensive jewelry in your suitcase.
It is difficult not to come to the valuables. EXPRESS yesterday tested the attention of travelers. In a few minutes would have even the most clueless in pickpocketing reporters several suitcases and a laptop bag can carry unnoticed.
Some of the passengers slept on the waiting chairs next to their luggage. "One must always be careful, that is actually clear to me," said Henk Oude Luttikhuis, for example, from Holland, who had left his bags at the coffee out of sight.
Since the beginning of the year, the police tried to hunt down the thieves too. One even asked officials to deter Einsatzhundertschaft Terminal. Even civilian investigators were on the road.
"It is very difficult for the perpetrators have not only a good eye for victims, but also for the police," says Topka. The clarification rate is correspondingly low: Only about five percent of cases are caught the thieves.