Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Medic was vulgar impostor

Bonn - The station is about life and death. And yet, at the emergency center of University Hospital is a false paramedic had slipped.
For forgery of the 35-year-old waiter was now sitting on the Anklagebank.Schwerverletzte accident victims, resuscitation with the death of struggling people.
In the emergency center of University Hospital is sometimes by seconds. Precisely at this sensitive point in April 2008, has slipped a layman. Klaus F. worked as a paramedic four months on the station.
The false lifesaver now before the court: "I did not want to be unemployed. My role model was pulled from the mayor ter Landau, who had faked his doctorate. "From the Internet, F. forms and stamps. Then he forged four testimonies of the city of Stolberg.
At work, but it was not round. Klaus F.: "In the emergency center, I knew what to do with many things at all." And: "Thought it'll be all right, am with abdominal pain to work."
Soon fell to colleagues that F. has no idea. The giddiness was flying. The judge sentenced him to 800 € fine. F. will now be a theologian. Since he wanted the judge "not lay obstacles in the way."