Saturday, March 20, 2010

Goat-Echo is Germany's best club magazine

Cologne - cheer at the office of the goat-echoes - it is Germany's best club magazine. The soccer magazine "11 FRIENDS" has chosen.
The criteria of the "11 friends" tests: The relationship between content and advertising, the involvement of the fans, the quality of the texts and the layout. Almost everywhere, the magazine was the 1st FC Cologne sharp.
The squares followed by a large margin of Bochum "My FC" and the "Bavaria magazine of the Munich master record. The red lantern can hang Dortmund Borussia Aktuell "in the editor: last place.
FC spokesman Lymberopoulus rejoiced like Bolle, "As we learned from our victory in the 11 friends test, a loud cheer went through the department. We are all very proud of the fact that new content and optical alignment of our magazine is not only our readers like, but also the critical editors of 11 Freunde. "
Now only need to join the kicker of the FC ...