Sunday, April 25, 2010

They Build our new classical temple?

Bonn - The "Elf" can be seen. It truly is world champion: 11 top architects from around the world make the competition with the construction of the Beethoven Festival Hall.
10 men and one woman: Zaha Hadid (57). The British architect of Iraqi origin, is a spectacular, modern Arbesbacher.
Exciting, for example, the Aquatics Center in London, will take place in 2012, the Olympic swimming competitions.
Or the new Bergisel Ski Jump in Innsbruck. 2004 Zaha Hadid was the first woman ever won the Pritzker Prize, the Nobel Prize for architects or less.
It will, like their colleagues have a problem: For the construction of the Beethoven Festival Hall may and should cost no more than 75 million euros. This amount will be made in 40:40:20 ratio of the three DAX companies post office, Telekom and Postbank are available.
 Project by the German Heinrich Küpper Post said yesterday: "Despite this limitation, we got only two refusals." They would not schedule and then calculate the costs, but take the opposite tack.
"Before construction starts, all estimates are accurate durchgerechnete by our experts. We should not happen to like the Elbe Philharmonic Hall in Hamburg. "There, the initial cost of 240 million to 380 million euros had skyrocketed, and that's not the end of the flagpole.
Not have much time Zaha Hadid and her colleagues: As early as mid-December to present the designs. In January a Commission of Experts and late February / early March 2009 meets the result will be announced.
Incidentally, there are no guidelines regarding the preservation of the monumental Beethoven Hall. Küpper: "It can also win a design that provides for the demolition."
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Monday, April 19, 2010

Harald Schmidt burglars held for staff

This guy is cocky or just mistaken? A burglar sneaked into the really high security TV studio by Harald Schmidt and Oliver Pocher a - and wanted to plunder their offices.
 During operation, in broad daylight!
Incredible: On his tour of the thieves, the unsuspecting crook Schmidt suddenly stood in the hallway opposite even. Schmidt and gave him a nice "Hello" on its way.
The entertainer in hindsight shook his head in wonder: "And I salute him ..." baseball cap, two earrings, sporty.
Schmidt, he admitted in his show on Thursday, could probably not be distinguished from rogue employees. Not exactly flattering ...
The thief tried to continue undeterred - and almost made it to the office of Oliver Pocher! "I thought it would be a guest of Sandra Maischberger!" Joked this.
For, in the famous Studio 449 at the Schanzenstraße 39 even her talk show is being recorded. Both share the way - in the spirit of the fee payers - the same score-Couch.
The End of History: The Schmidt's staff finally responded to the oblique types, he unmasked himself quickly as an unbidden guest. They held him down, calling the police. The "came after eleven minutes," as Schmidt just stopped - and arrested the man.
What has he stolen? "He stole nothing," said Pocher manager Sascha Rinne. As he came into the studio high security area? "We do not know. He must have smuggled here. That, unfortunately, there is always ... "

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The totally wacky mini golf course

Dusseldorf - Ever since the age of 36 is the miniature golf course in Niederkassel owned by the family Cremers.
But this year, visitors expecting something entirely new: newly renovated lanes with a high fun factor.
Last year operators Thomas Cremers has refurbished his 18 mini golf complex and is considered unusual obstacles that there were so in Germany yet. On the square in the poplar grove, the mini-golf fans, for example in buckets "Bruno" must pass, tricked the goalkeeper to make the gate, and must overcome the "Brandenburg Acropolis.
"Visitors are excited about our new tracks. They are extraordinary, just different. A fun course for young and old, "says Thomas Cremers. But the facility has more to offer than mere fun mini golf: five table tennis tables, two trampolines, a kart track, rides, bike rentals, and many sitting areas for relaxation make the plant a 'recreational oasis'.
Cremers, "With rising temperatures, we naturally expect a lot of visitors. And for families, we are the ideal point. The children can minigolf, the parents drink a coffee. "
On the plant the little ones can move freely and rage, because the area is spacious fenced. For little money you can spend a day there: Adults pay four euros for a round of miniature golf, children under 12 years 2,50 Euro. For the trampoline and carousel drive you pay Euro.Geöffnet one hand, the facility has over 13 clock Monday, Tuesday to Friday from 11 clock and on weekends even from 10.30 clock.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Schalke president ousted

Gelsenkirchen - Schalke on the housecleaning continues - even in the club head. Now Schalke loses president and CEO Josef Schnusenberg his power!
The 68-year-old joined Schalke in 1994 in the Board responsible for finance, dissolved in June 2007 from the previous Gelsenkirchen mayor Gerd Rehberg as CEO and president of the club. As chief financial Schalke Schnusenberg was traditionally considered the brain of the complicated arena financing.
His term runs until mid 2010 - but is so long after the "takeover" by Felix Magath in Schalke no longer be maintained in order to restructure the club tip!
Supervisory Boss Clemens Tonnies confirmed yesterday evening, the Express that the restructuring is preferred. From now CEO Peter Peters takes over the Finance portfolio, Schnusenberg stay "until the end of his contract in 2010 a formal member of the board is, but assume primarily ceremonial." Tonnies continues: "As of July then form Magath and Peters still only a two-headed executive committee. Is important to us that Josef Schnusenberg after all his services to Schalke gets an honorable exit. "
But klubintern was longer clear that the tough and good-natured Schnusenberg Magath will make no optimal team. The fact that the club head is now restructured after three game days, but surprised - which means more power for Magath, who already acts as the board of directors, sports director and coach.
 Whether Schnusenberg, a proud, powerful tax from East Westphalia, resigned to the role of a representative? Monday he wanted to speak to EXPRESS not. It was originally planned, at a board meeting on 31 August, the capture of Personnel in writing.
According EXPRESS research chose the club before the hot issue to the public gehen.Im spring had already disposed of Schalke manager Andreas Mueller and board member and his assistant coaches Mike Büskens and Youri Mulder were also on leave as chief media Gerd Voss. For new structures is apparently swept with an iron hand - at all levels.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Giants Monopoly

Flirting Munich - When three absolute world-class footballers with bills to three world-class clubs, could on the European transfer market almost 160 million times just to be moved ...
The giant Monopoly. There is the spectacular ring exchange of all time? Since the beginning of the week he is no longer impossible. According to a report by the Guardian as a serious force Manchester United to the new season of Bavaria Franck Ribery (will undertake 26)!
The Champions League title holder should have provided the equivalent of 70.5 million euros for the French star. In return, the heavily courted by Real Madrid World Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo (24) will leave the English champions and take Ribery's position. According to Spanish newspaper Marca, Real has provided in a first round 65 million euros for Ronaldo.
The most expensive transfers of all time: Click here>
Ribery, who is still at Bayern until 2011 under contract and had modified several times flirted with a move would be in order after his compatriot Zinedine Zidane (2001 for 76 million euros to Juve), the second most expensive transfer in history.
And what about Bavaria? They strive hard to Werder playmaker Diego (24, spoken) contract until 2011/Marktwert 23 million euros, according to media reports, consistent with his father and advisor Djair da Cunha in Munich on Monday about a change. Also Edelreservist Alexander Hleb (2012/15), FC Barcelona is an issue with Bayern.
Official Dimenti the ring exchange were made yesterday. Werder's CEO Klaus Allofs has already signaled readiness to talk: "I can not say that we sell a player, and then one comes and has a huge amount." And that for Bayern general manager Uli Hoeness Diego an issue when Ribery really go away. " And this could go faster than thought: After all, who is not weak at a transfer fee of 70 million euros?