Monday, April 19, 2010

Harald Schmidt burglars held for staff

This guy is cocky or just mistaken? A burglar sneaked into the really high security TV studio by Harald Schmidt and Oliver Pocher a - and wanted to plunder their offices.
 During operation, in broad daylight!
Incredible: On his tour of the thieves, the unsuspecting crook Schmidt suddenly stood in the hallway opposite even. Schmidt and gave him a nice "Hello" on its way.
The entertainer in hindsight shook his head in wonder: "And I salute him ..." baseball cap, two earrings, sporty.
Schmidt, he admitted in his show on Thursday, could probably not be distinguished from rogue employees. Not exactly flattering ...
The thief tried to continue undeterred - and almost made it to the office of Oliver Pocher! "I thought it would be a guest of Sandra Maischberger!" Joked this.
For, in the famous Studio 449 at the Schanzenstraße 39 even her talk show is being recorded. Both share the way - in the spirit of the fee payers - the same score-Couch.
The End of History: The Schmidt's staff finally responded to the oblique types, he unmasked himself quickly as an unbidden guest. They held him down, calling the police. The "came after eleven minutes," as Schmidt just stopped - and arrested the man.
What has he stolen? "He stole nothing," said Pocher manager Sascha Rinne. As he came into the studio high security area? "We do not know. He must have smuggled here. That, unfortunately, there is always ... "