Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Schalke president ousted

Gelsenkirchen - Schalke on the housecleaning continues - even in the club head. Now Schalke loses president and CEO Josef Schnusenberg his power!
The 68-year-old joined Schalke in 1994 in the Board responsible for finance, dissolved in June 2007 from the previous Gelsenkirchen mayor Gerd Rehberg as CEO and president of the club. As chief financial Schalke Schnusenberg was traditionally considered the brain of the complicated arena financing.
His term runs until mid 2010 - but is so long after the "takeover" by Felix Magath in Schalke no longer be maintained in order to restructure the club tip!
Supervisory Boss Clemens Tonnies confirmed yesterday evening, the Express that the restructuring is preferred. From now CEO Peter Peters takes over the Finance portfolio, Schnusenberg stay "until the end of his contract in 2010 a formal member of the board is, but assume primarily ceremonial." Tonnies continues: "As of July then form Magath and Peters still only a two-headed executive committee. Is important to us that Josef Schnusenberg after all his services to Schalke gets an honorable exit. "
But klubintern was longer clear that the tough and good-natured Schnusenberg Magath will make no optimal team. The fact that the club head is now restructured after three game days, but surprised - which means more power for Magath, who already acts as the board of directors, sports director and coach.
 Whether Schnusenberg, a proud, powerful tax from East Westphalia, resigned to the role of a representative? Monday he wanted to speak to EXPRESS not. It was originally planned, at a board meeting on 31 August, the capture of Personnel in writing.
According EXPRESS research chose the club before the hot issue to the public gehen.Im spring had already disposed of Schalke manager Andreas Mueller and board member and his assistant coaches Mike Büskens and Youri Mulder were also on leave as chief media Gerd Voss. For new structures is apparently swept with an iron hand - at all levels.